Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Not So Average Tuesday Shift

He walks in and right away catches my attention.

Dark hair peeking out of his hat.
Smooth face, nicely shaved.
Soft smile and kind eyes.
He has pale skin, and a couple of freckles
He's not the tallest, but not short.
But hey, who am I to complain about height

I have to take his order, it's my job.

I walk up to him as I normally would
I try not to blush. But fail, stupidly.
I make a mental note to remember his name.
My coworker and I share giggles as I walk back to the kitchen.
I knew she and a couple of the cooks were watching me through the window
She encourages me to give him my number
But I'm too scared

He's athletic. The muscles on his arms show nicely though his tight shirt
He has a cool mystery to his presence.
Maybe it's the smirk on his lips, or the two piercings on his left ear.
Or maybe it's the fact that he's wearing all black.

Very intimidating

I pack up his food as calmly as possible.
I try to avoid eye contact.
You know playing casual/hard to get a bit
While I'm putting the napkins in his to go bag I slip in a small piece of paper

I walk smoothly over to him and hand him the bag,
 “thank you for coming, have a nice day.” I said to him as I would to any other customer.

And he's gone

“Did you give him your number ! ?” My coworker eagerly asks me barely controlling her excitement.

I laugh at her reaction
"Yup. Now I wait.”

Wow, what a Tuesday.

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