Monday, May 8, 2017


An old man sits at the bar
Bartenders make drinks and pass out beers
Coronas to be spesfic
Dinner rush has yet to begin
Enter an old scary boss
Grey hairs appear on his side burns
Hairs are constantly getting thinniner
I don't think I've ever seen such a shinny head
Just remember to stay on his good side
Knowing him, he'll make you cry without even trying
Look right above his eyes, and get back to work
More customers come, but all at once
None of them care that it's too busy
Or the fact that there is literally no space to seat them
People can be asses
Quickly pull on a smile and try not to upset the customer
Remember the customer is always right
Servers are running around like ants
Take their order table by table, keep moving
Usually tables leave after eating, but some like to stay hours after
Very few leave their table in decent condition
Well it's the Busters problem to deal with mess
X. Screw it,  I just worked a seven hour shift, I'm tired.
Yay the days done !
Zero tips, typical night

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