Thursday, May 11, 2017


We must wait, they say
We must be patient, they say
They say we must trust in what we know

You are told to have faith
You are told that when all else fails, God will always be there
God has a plan for everyone
Why do some of his plans seem shitty

I wait every day and night
Patiently and trusting that good will come
I think I know that he's watching over us

But I can only think, I can't know
That's the scariest thing for me
Not knowing is my one weakness
Not knowing has too much of a risk

Wait, be patient, trust
Have faith, God will be there
He has a plan for everyone

Bad things happen to good people
How could God want that?
Bad people have so much power
How could God want that?

Is it even his doing?
Is he even there?
Are we even worth saving?

Maybe that's the real truth
The truth that we’re all too scared to believe
We’re not worth it
Why should God waste his time on us?

We can only hope we're good enough
We trust that there's someone out there
We have faith that someone will save us

Maybe God wants us to save ourselves

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