Saturday, November 24, 2018

forbidden fruit

Forbidden = Enchanting 
Dangerous = Openminded 
Mysterious = Beautiful

There are hundreds of ways to describe it. 
What it is, what it was. What it could have been.
Most tend to only believe the world can only be one. Nothing is certain. I am not certain and am not defined by one thing

What Am I to You? 

If I am so forbidden, how is it I managed to enchant you with who I was. 
With everything I was.
Why am I Dangerous? Is that fact that I was so openminded dangerous to you, or to those around you? To all the answers you had in the world, or maybe I was dangerous because there s a chance I could be right?
You called my mystery a beauty, do you regret it? Did you lie to me?
I'm sorry if my world might have been a little too much for you, you couldn't understand. I couldn't expect you to understand. Nor would I wish that you did understand, that would mean you would have had to suffer the way I did. 

But you couldn't even start to see the light that shines in my eyes. The beauty that I see in every mystery. To take on the dangers that an open mind brings. You questioned how I could take on that risk knowing that theres a strong possibility I could be wrong. 
I can only tell you, that it was just who I was.
The forbidden is a part of me. That's what enchanted you in the first place right? 

I'm more than the fruit you can't bite into. I'm not simply an impulse to fill your temporary desires. 
You'll soon realize that in someone else, but it'll be too late by then. You'll see the reasons to why I am the way I am, but I won't be there to console you. 

1 comment:

  1. to those who are made to feel like they belong to someone else, before they belong to themselves.
