Tuesday, January 31, 2017



I hope that there will be a boy
I hope that there will be a girl 
Then I hope that there will be another boy 
I hope that the first boy will be strong, but sensitive  
I hope the girl will follow the right path,
but learn how to lead her own 
I hope the youngest boy will hold onto his happiness as long as possible 

As much as one can hope there will always be some form of pain
Some form of  suffeing
Some form of loss 
But I hope most, that these siblings will never loose hope 
No matter who tries to put you down
No matter who tells you No
No matter who tries to make you feel like you're not worth it
That there will always be hope 
I hope for hope

Actions speak louder than words
But words grow from the root of the mind 
Words were nurtured from the soul 
The mind and soul  that recognizes when enough is enough 
The mind and soul that understands that each and every individual deserves their right to stand

I hope for three siblings to have hope, 
I hope they will lift each other up
I hope they will have strong minds and kind souls 
I hope they will help others defend their right to stand 
I hope they will never loose hope, never loose faith, never loose love 
I hope for love 

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